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Favorite Games

Welcome to the "Favorites" section of Iukamu.com

Here you can find all your favorite games conveniently grouped in one place. But before you dive in, we'd like to bring an important notice to your attention.

Your favorite games are saved within the cookies of your browser. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device to provide you with a personalized experience on our site. Thanks to this functionality, we can remember the games you've added to your favorites and offer you quick and easy access to them.

However, it's important to note that cookies are specific to your device and browser. If you access the site from another device or use a different browser, your favorite games may not be visible in the "Favorites" section. We recommend using the same device and browser to access your account and always have access to your favorite games.

Additionally, please pay attention to your browser settings regarding cookies. If you disable cookies or clear your browsing history, you may temporarily lose access to your list of favorite games. However, don't worry, as you can always restore your selection of favorite games by adding them again to the "Favorites" section.

We are excited to provide you with a personalized experience on Iukamu.com, and the favorites feature is just one of the many ways we make our site unique. Feel free to explore the wide range of available games and be sure to add your favorites to the list. We're here to offer you fun and entertainment, just a click away!

Thank you for being part of our community, and if you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Enjoy your favorite games on Iukamu.com!